Friday, December 28, 2007

Overdue report from Janet

HI Everyone:
Hope you all had a good holiday season and have some time to unwind after all the festivities and rest up for New Year's Eve!!
We (our kids and partners, my Mom and my brother Neil) had a wonderful Christmas dinner together Christmas day. Mike did all the cooking.....I think he is getting too good at doing everything without my valuable advice and assistance!! Today he installed a hand rail in the bathtub for me and I didn't even see the holes in the bedroom wall on the other side of the bathroom until they were filled again. Not a mistake - that was the plan as the rail needed support behind the tiled wall. (Ron D. - you'll understand).
I'm having a lot of stomach problems with this last round of chemo. Seems there is no consistency in what the side effects the drugs will have each time I get them. I'm just glad to be home and I'm sure I'll fell better in a few days.
Thanks to you all for your Christmas wishes and staying in touch.
I guess my New Year's Resolution better be to blog more regularly.
All the best in 2008.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Back again

First of many trips to PMH yet to come.Lets hope the traffic is better coming and going.
Today Jan had her Christmas chemo cocktail,a little vinblastine,a dash of doxorubicin,top with some L,asparaginase.You should see this cocktail in your LCBO magazine real soon.
As if that was not enough Santa sent her home with a stocking full of home medications.
We are hopeful that the only hospitals we see for the next week or so are from the outside only.
Jan will go back down to PMH next Thursday,for blood work and some more cocktail,we hope.
Jan and myself wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Again thanks for all your support
Love Jan and Mike

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lots of time left to shop!!

Hello All:
How wonderful to be home from the hospital (got home Friday Night after 4 weeks at Newmarket's finest). I haven't done any Christmas shopping - but that will only effect a few of you!!!
I was at Princess Margaret Hospital today - they decided to start my chemo treatments again next Wed. (19th) That gives me a good week to gain a bit of strength and put on some weight. Never thought I'd want to GAIN weight. Hopefully I won't get hit with another infection - at least I'm pretty sure I'll be OK for Christmas. They plan to add a couple antibiotics to the 5 other drugs I'll get so surely that will do some good.
HOpe you are all taking some time to enjoy the holiday season...when you're not shovelling snow!!
Take care - I'll try to update you again soon.
Thanks for your continued support - sure helps through some of those tough times.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ho ho ho Home

The queen bee has come home ,so this drone will be busy for the next little while.Call or drop bye if you are in the neighbourhood.Jan and I will be going to PMH this Wednesday.Will up date you after our visit.
Merry Christmas.And thank to everyone for there well wishes and support.
Love Mike and Janet

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday December 4

hello everyone.
Jan is feeling better today and moving around freely as they have disconnected her from the Ive pole and all the fluids .I am so used to it being part of her I failed to notice,Not a good move on my part.
Jan is hall walking more which is a good thing.I think she is planning her escape route,if they don,t let her out soon
I am hoping she will be home next week,if all blood work and samples come back positive.Lets hope for the best.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

ho ho ho

It,s December and if you told me last August Jan would still be in the hospital ,I would say you where mad.
So mad Iam,but not as mad as Jan.We hope the new antibiotics are working and our girl we home in two weeks.If not they may be a jail break.Jan is trying as hard as possible to get home.
So before you all go to bed ,continue to say those prayers,I know I do .
Love Jan and Mike

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nov 29

Some good news and some bad news.Jan is feeling better and stronger today,but they told her she has the cdef .I believe it is a intestinal infection.They are giving Jan the appropriate drugs I hope.Maybe she had that from the get go.Lets hope they know better.Talk to everyone Sunday.
Thanks for all your support.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nov 28

As we are hoping for Jan to get better,and things where better on Sunday and Monday,it seems the Cancer gods are not ready to give her up just yet.For some reason her fever reappeared,and her strenght has diminished.There is some good news ,in the fact that her leg swelling has subsided to their normal size.There is how ever not much muscle mass.Jan is not a candidate for the WWF ,She looks a little like Twiggy.
Jan is still optimistic that she will beat this thing,and is really looking forward to getting home,more than anything else.Jan seem to have more spunk tonight which is a good sign.
All our love Mike and Jan

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Grey cup

I hate computers.Jan,s getting better.She is able to walk ,with the aid of a walker.I think his name is Juan.
Jan is getting some meds to relieve the swelling in her legs.Some time this weak she should be on solid foods,we hope.Things are better and Jans mental state is better as of late.Thanks to all your support

Thursday, November 22, 2007

nov 22

Things did not go as planned today.Jan was to get an MRI.She was ready to go and then for reasons no one knows it was cancelled.She is scheduled for 11 am tomorrow.
They are giving her some new meds for food supplement's ,and with luck it will reduce the swelling in her legs.
Alice,Jan will get better so no need to fret.I believe she will be home in 2 weeks or less.I will try and call you Sunday
Jan is in South lake 9058954521 ext4186.It should be on the blog

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

nov 21

Some days are better than others, as we all know.So lets say Jan day was not better than most
Between stomach pains and scopes,we need not say any more.
The Lady is made of metal superman can not bend.
God love her as I do
Thanks everyone.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nov 20

.Jan had a tough weekend,not a lot of energy ,stomach pain and leg swelling issues.
Monday seems to be the turning point for her.She is getting a pain medication that seems to agree with her system.Which in turn makes it easier for Jan to get out of bed for all the necessary things to do.
Today Jan was busy,as she had a echo cardie gram and a muga scan.These are all for heart strenght and flow I believe.
The nutritionist was in today to determine what she needs as supplement's to reduce the swelling in her legs.Before I left tonight they brought in the magic potion,we hope.To me it looked like an old milk jug ,running threw the pump to Jan,s Hickman.But what do i know
Thanks Mike

Sunday, November 18, 2007

sunday night

Jan has made slight improvements over the weekend .Jan is started to eat solid foods,but it is a tiresome event.
They have not been able to reduce the swelling in her legs as of yet,which limits here mobility.She is eager to get better and is looking forward to getting home.
Thanks for all the support.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nov 15

No scope test today.May not be necessary,for reason we are not sure of.
Jan,s legs and feet are swelling due to fluid intake,we hope.Lets hope things improve .Update you all Sunday .

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

moving day

Jan was moved today,to the 6th floor rm 517.Her phone extension is 4186.905 895 4521.
This floor is the cancer floor.Things in general are done different,which seems to please Jan.
Be prepared to gown up and mask if you visit.
Tommorrw they are going to do a scope, somehow on her left intestine to determine the cause of her inflamation.
Our girl still has a great attitude,which in part has a lot too due with all your support.
Thanks .Mike

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday Monday

Jan is feeling somewhat better today.Tomorrow she is getting a cat scan of her abdominal,stomach area.Hopefully this will determine the area of infection.
If you visit check with the nursing station ,you may have to gown and glove up to visit.
Talk to you soon.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday night

Jan is feeling some what better. Her fever is down again and her blood pressure is stable
There is still a problem with the stomach as it is still blotted.Saturday they gave her an x ray,but nothing definitive as of yet.
They are giving her a different diet for the stomach issues.It seem to have helped.
To reach Jan if needed,call 905 895 4521 ext 4311.she is in room 3-301.
Jan still needs rest,and our encouragement.
Thanks to all the well wishers
Love Mike

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nov 9

Jan was admitted to South Lake today .She will be on the third floor,rm 301 I believe.
Jan blood pressure is low and she still has a fever ,along with a few other issues.
Along with the fever ,that means she has a internal infection of some sorts.The cultures will take some time to process.Then they will treat it with the proper antibiotic.
No official word yet,but 3 or 4 days is not uncommon for this scenario.
Let Jan rest up for 3 days before any visitors please
Thanks Mike

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jan,s update

Well It,s been a while since you all have heard from the Mikester.
Hold on, Jan is back in South Lake tonight.Home care detected high temp,low blood pressure and possible dehydration.So off to South Lake.Jan is in emerge for the night.No beds available they say. And possible one or two days,to make sure there is no infections.
Our thanks to everyone for the Delicious food we have received.Keep up the good work.
Love Jan and Mike

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov. 1/07 Update from Janet

HI Everyone:
Nothing much to report in the past week so I didn't. However, we did go to Princess Margaret Hopsital yesterday. I had my final lumbar pucture from the 2nd chemo session and started the 3rd chemo session. The third session is 30 weeks which consistes of various drugs in 10 three week sessions. Yesterday I had five different chemos - but I won't get that many every day, only on day one of each 21 day period. I'm on one IM chemo a week now (which I can get at Southlake) and some pills and also steroids (there go my hopes for participating in the next Olympics!!!!) Hopefully I'll only have to go down to PMH once every three weeks. Other than a headach, I'm feeling pretty good today, which is surprising after all that chemo I had yesteray, I should be glowing in the dark or something!
Thanks again for all you good wishes etc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oct. 24,2007

Hi All:
I know, I'm a little lax in getting out info on the blog! Obviously, Mike and Laura were better at this than I am. I'm probably spending a lot more time sitting around reading than they did!!!
Things are going well - we were down to PMH yesterday for blood work (I had good blood yesterday) and the 3rd lumbar puncture. WE go back next Wed. for the last in this series of lumbar punctures - then get the schedule for the upcoming 30 week chemo series. I don't have much energy to do much so Mike is petty much in charge around here now (well, not really in charge - just doing most of the work!). My Mom comes over for a few hours most days so between the two of them they're keeping the house is shape.
Thanks again for all your ongoing support and encouragement - we really apprecite it.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday, Oct. 18

Hi Everyone:

Well, it sure is great to be home. Mike is doing a wonderful job this week of trying to fatten me up and catering to my needs (and wishes - it wouldn't have been life threatening if he hadn't cleaned that living room window!!!). This is the first day I've made it down to the rec. room where the computer is, which is why you haven't heard from me sooner. The stairs are getting a little easier but I still need some assistance to be safe. I'm getting much better at walking around - really only need the walker outside. We were down to Princess Margaret on Tuesday. The drain was removed from my leg - which was a relief, and I had the second of the four lumbar punctures (chemo in the spinal fluid). I go back the next two Tuesdays for another treatment and then get back onto the multiple chemo drugs for the next 30 weeks. Already I'm looking forward to spring!!!
Thanks again to everyone for all your cards, comments and good wishes. I'll stay in touch.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Home Sweet Home

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

Oh wait that's the beginning of the book I'm reading! On the good times side Mom is home from the hospital. On the bad times side...Mom is home from the hospital and now we have to take care of her! LOL

On Thursday afternoon there was talk that mom might come home this weekend, and on Friday they kicked her out (I heard that her roommate complained about her...but that's just a rumour *wink*). Not much for advanced notice. Just enough time to tidy the surface clutter!!

She arrived home a little after 7 Friday night and had a lovely dinner of leftovers. We're slowly getting everything sorted out around here, but since there wasn't much time to prepare it's a slow process.

She still has the drain in her one leg, and she's headed back to PMH Tuesday for some sort of appointment (I think for one of the chemo drugs and to hopefully get the drain out), but as long as she stays healthy she's home for good.

Mom generally rests in the afternoons between 1 and 4, so please no phone calls at that time, but otherwise she'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for all the love and support. It means a great deal to all of us!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Turkey Tuesday

Anybody fed up with turkey yet.
Jan had a ultra sound on her left leg today,along with chemo and a lumbar puncture.Oh I thought my day was something.Jan,s daughter, Laura was in from Ottawa for Thanksgiving,and was able to visit Jan today.She even gave Laura a list to make her feel at home.Laura is in till Sunday.The answer to the question,what was under the kilt,as apposed to some who thought it was one of Jan,s skirts.
Well you will have to ask Jan.As I am sworn to secrecy
Have a great week.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thankgiving Monday

Jan and I had a turkey lunch today,at the 14th floor lounge.Her first words where .This food taste really good.What else could she say her Mom made it.
Jan med,s are making her somewhat nauseous now.Something more to cope with.
She is getting around a bite better.She is going for a ultra sound on her left leg tomorrow.Hopefully they can take the drip tube out soon
Again thanks for all your support
Love Jan and Mike

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Hope Everyone is having a good Thanksgiving Weekend. The weather sure is co-operating (unless you had your heart set on snowboarding!!). Not much new in the past couple days. Still not much of an appetite (like, none after about 2:00 p.m). I'm looking forward to my leftover turkey dinner on Monday that Mike is going to bring down - at noon when, hopefully, I'll feel like eating it.
Enjoy - you can never have too much turkey!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wed. Oct. 3

Hi There:

Just want to let you know that I've been moved to a new room. I had to give up my "Private Princess Suite" to someone in worse shape than I'm in. The ONLY disadvantage of getting better!! The nurses like to keep people they need to keep a closer eye on nearer the nursing station. However, my new room is pretty good - it's semi-private but I do have the window side of the room which is good. Now I can see the landing pad for the air ambulance on top of Sick Kid's. Before I could see the helicoper coming in for landing but another part of the building obscured the landing site. Haven't seen any yet today.
My new room is 720 and new extention is 3123.
Everything else is much the same.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hi all - It's Janet again - I think Mike was going to post something tonight but just thought I'd answer Janice and Greg's question. For those of you who are able to give blood (and trying to - thanks Patty) I didn't mean blood just for me - just general "help anyone" blood!!
Still have the drain in my left leg which is delaying the chemo I need to get through lumbar puncture - bet better to be safe than sorry. Remember when I said the food here was really good? Well, now that I'm back on chemo it really isn't so good after all!!! I usually have to revert to a meal replacement liquid by the afternoon. Other than that - still enjoying being able to get out of bed and doing a few things for myself.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday -Sept.30

Hi Everyone:
This will be short as I just checked my e-mail for the first time and there are a lot - so to those of you who e-mailed me.....I'll get back to you as soon as I can and the reason I haven't replied before this is that I couldn't get to the computer. Wasn't feeling too great today (effects of the drugs, which is to be expected). I'll just appreciate the good days more!!!
Love Janet

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Night - From PMH

Well Hello Everyone:
How wonderful to be mobile enough to get to the computer at the end of the hall. I managed to escape my room unassisted and undetected - used the walker to get to my personal wheelchair outside my door and zoomed down the hall from there. I was actually able to walk to the lounge and back with the walker today so very pleased at how much stronger my legs are getting and how much steadier I am on my feet now. I'm only getting antibiotics in the afternoon now, so they have disconnected me from my pole buddy most of the day so that makes it a lot easier to get around.
I did start chemo again last night. Two IV medications- just yesterday though, then I have to take pills each night for 14 days, and get 4 meds by lumbar puncture over the next 14 days and if all goes well (which I expect it will as I've had more than my share of setbacks) I should be out of here by then.
I just want to thank you all for your good wishes and cards and calls - it sure means a lot to me to know that there are so many people thinking of me, and I've often thought of you all surrounding me and protecting me when I've been through some unpleasant procedures.
A special thanks also, to those of you who are blood doners (especially the newest one, Doug). I've had at least a dozen blood transfusions while I've been here and every time they hung up a bag of blood I have blessed the person (in my case, at least a dozen of them) who took the time to give blood and save my life. So much time and money goes into treating cancer, but without that blood none of us would survive. To all of you who have asked if there is anything you can do for me - yes, there is - give blood.
I'm looking forward to being able to update this blog on a more regular basis - Mike, you've done a great job of keeping it up-to-date, which I know was a challenge at the end of a busy day, and thanks Laura for setting it up and for your updates. Mine probably won't be as interesting as Mike's though!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday nights all right

Some good news today, Jan got dolled up ,and went to the wig store with her friend Betty. They did not tell them that it was closed.No sale today.
Jan was telling me that they are going to start her chemo tonight.They must be satisfied with her left leg draining.She feels her legs are getting stronger.
Soon she will be able to get to the computer and do her own blog.That lets me of the hook for bad spelling.Lots happening with her treatment in the future .We hope it goes smooth
Keep the faith gang
Mike and Jan

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

September 29

Hello everyone
Today Jan finished her last radiation treatment.And as a going away present, she got to keep her radiation mask.I hope it glows in the dark.We can use it for a night light.Physiotherapist took her down to the gym,and got her on the parallel bars where is did a triple sow cow.Sorry that figure skating .That the week after.
Her left leg still has some infection in it,and they will made some sort of decision Thursday or Friday as whether to start chemo, or try and drain it out some how.Oh and before dinner she got a pint of blood.And we thought we had a though day.
Love Jan and Mike Jan if you feel like it

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday 24

Some good news today ,Jan had the tube removed from her right leg.If all goes well she may have the other one out bye the end of the week.That being the case she can concentrate on getting walking,This also means chemo can resume.Mike

Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 22

Last day of summer,so we had to do something special for our girl.
I was able to go see Jan yesterday and today ,only for a short while ,do too a persistent cough
Jan got into a wheel chair, much on her own steam, and we proceeded to the 16th floor.Which is the Tanenbaum Gardens.
I pushed the wheel chair.She not that strong yet..We spent 15 minutes or so up there.It was a great place for Jan and myself to spend time together.
Here's hoping Jan and myself get better soon
Love Mike

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20

Have not been able to see Jan, as this blasted cold will not leave me.Will phone doctor tomorrow, and see if I can get another remedy
Jan said she felt good today ,and that her left leg had more movement and mobility and strength.Her right leg is weaker than she would like it to be ,as she can not put her entire dainty weight on it,as of yet
Jan is half way through her radiation,with 4 more sessions.I can,t tell you what she say,s when she goes into the machine.But I think it is a cursing statement of sorts.
I would not be surprised if my name was not mentioned in vein.
Good news, Neil,Jan,s brother is back in town on Sunday and I am sure he will wan,t to see Jan.
He better
All our best
Mike and Jan
Hope my grammar and spelling are better

Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday 17

Hello everyone,Mikey here.Still have that dame cough ,so Iam unable to go and see Jan .It better break soon,or she may not remember what I look like.That might be a good thing.
They lanced her right leg today and drianed of the infection.They also installed a
drip line.If that was not enough just around her dinner time,they took her for the first of eight radation treatments.They did reheat her dinner for her. Sounded like she was in good spirts after all the ordeals.

Keep all the good thought coming our way
Love Mike

Friday, September 14, 2007


Well it's the weekend again...for those of us on the outside that means no work, sleeping in on Saturday and enjoying the lovely fall weather.

For's just another day staring at the same wallpaper...'cause every day is like the weekend for her! LOL Well...maybe that's not quite the case. :)

As for the update....Jan had a little minor (and much wanted) surgery today to drain an abcess in her leg (ewww...on the plus side there aren't any pictures). Hopefully this, along with the drainage tube they put in will keep the pressure down and provide her some relief. Maybe even make it easier for her to walk around a bit.

And the latest rumour is that she gets to start her chemo treatments again tomorrow. We're keeping our fingers crossed that she does. Cause the sooner the treatments start, the sooner they end and the sooner she gets to come home!

Since she had the surgery today she's a bit tired and is trying to no calls please. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be back to normal.

As a reminder, if you want to visit, just call first to make sure she's not already booked (she's got a pretty busy social life for someone who spends all day in bed!).

That's about it for tonight. Take advantage of the nice weather and enjoy your weekend!

~ Laura ~

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept 11

Just a reminder that Jan phone ext. is 3131.I believe the rm is 729across from the pantry,south side,over looking CN tower and the Toronto water front.
I am unable to go see Jan at the present time as I have some sort of cold or flew.Waiting for my Doctors culter results.Can only give her moral phone support.
Jan had a ultrasound on both her legs.They are sure that there is no blood clots,an suspect an infection of some kind.They might try and drain it of somehow.Ammputation is not a option.She is vertically challenged already.Only kidding.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sept 9

Jan has been eating solid food now for a couple days.So is feeling better about that.She says the foood is very good,and there are lots of choices.Not like at home.Her legs are still very sore,but she is able to hobble short distances.I might be able to catch her in the bed room when she gets home.She always out ran me before.
Hopefully chemo treatments will resume next week sometime,and radiation the week after that.O boy oh boy what fun.
Not sure when she,ll be home butthe sooner the better.Love Mike

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday night

Sorry for no updates.I am a little under the weather.Hope to see Jan tomorrow and will up date everyone
Jan has moved rooms.
She is in rm 739.This is on the 15th floor for those that are vertically challenged.Phone 3131
Talk to you soon

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept 5 9pm

Lots of things where happening today,visitors etc.Wednesday is my day off ,so the blog,is not totally up to date ,unless Jan and friends have wheeled all the apparatus to the computer terminal.
total updates tomorrow if all goes well.
Thanks to my mine and Jan,s many loving friends for last night dinner and tonight's evening.
All my thanks ,lets hope tomorrow gives us the same hope.

P.S. I should be there Monday night to meet Glen Tucker who is going to help us out with our PA system.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

sept 4 4:30pm

Hi Everyone - it's me, Janet, in person finally.
Things are looking better today. I'm finally back on food (well, just liquids for a few days). My first meal was jello - and who would believe jello could taste so good!!!! Once my digestive system is fully functional I'll be able to resume my chemo treatments. Thank to everyone for their good wishes and support - it really means a lot to me.
Now - for a very slow walk back to my room and a rest after this exertion!!!
Love Janet
P.S. Call if you like.

Monday, September 3, 2007

sept 3

Ah the long weekend is over ,the dancing , bocce ball games hitting golf balls into the lake ,fishing,snorkeling ,golf plenty of eat,s and for the lucky ones ---.that wasn,t exactly our weekend ,but with the help of family and friends,you pulled Jan thru.
Don,t worry we will be back with a vengeance
No real change in Jan,s status.Maybe the doctors will be in on Tuesday,to get things going


Sunday, September 2, 2007

sept 2 6pm

Welcome to a new mounth.Good luck to all you school people,teachers and students.
We hope evryone is having a good long weekend .Don,t forget to have a special chemo drink for Jan and me.
Jan seems to have a good day followed by a bad one .Iam not sure if it is when I show up, she has the good one or bad one.
The persistance of bowel problems has not been rectified.They are still supposed to send in a segical unit to asses Jan .Being a long weekend ,good luck.
We wait and hope for the best.
Keep the faith everyone that,s what keeps us going.
Jan did manage to go to the end of the hall, and we watched some of the air show.We had our own private viewing lounge.
Thanks to all for helping me out this weekend.It seem,s to be preordianed
Love Mike

Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 30

Apparently i have been remiss in my duties,according to one of my fellow workers.Who I will not mention at this present time.
Some say no news is good news,but I must challenge this statement .
Jans legs are moving better,and she can shuffle out of bed to her window chair .This does however talk great effort on her part ,along with some time.
Last night at 10;30pm they installed a nasal gastric tube.It goes Thru your nose.Need I say anymore.What it does I am not sure.
The big issue is the bowel muscles are dormant due to the meds.
Specialist in gastrol issues, where in to see her to determine solutions.Hopefully tomorrow a solution will be in place.
As instructed by my girl,she has ask me to pass a message on to everyone.
It goes something like this.
All thought I cannot get to a computer comfortably at this time I am grateful for every ones love and well wishes.It means a lot to me
From Me. I would like to thank all my food chief Friends for some of the fine food i have been eating
PS I hope I did not make to many mistakes

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday night

Jan is doing better today.Still week and sleeping lots.If you plan on seeing her ,she would like everyone to call her first,and she will let you know if it is a good day for a visit or not.
And if possible please keep phone conversations short.
Jan ask me to thank everyone for all the well wishes, card,photos etc.
She is sporting a new hair due at the present time.
All our love Mike and Jan

P.S.She can not access email or computer in her present condition.

Monday 27

Good mourning.
Jan is back at PMH,same room and phone number.She is totally without any strenght to speak of .She also has swelling in here left leg which they will address today we hope
She was happy to get back ,and was hoping to get some sleep,and back to here treatments.
Thanks for all the support Mike

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Good mourning everyone.We are still hoping Jan will get back to PMH.Presently it takes all her strenght to do the simplest of task.To talk and eat even makes her tired and short of breath.
She is frustrated presently and is not happy with her present accommodations.But it is where she needs to be at this moment.
Iam going down today ,and will see her after work on Monday.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday nights alwright

Jan's family where down today to cheer her up, and with the miracle of medicines,Jan has bounced back to the girl we know and love.
Blood pressure is stable and her fever is in check.
Things are looking better.
With luck she will be back at pmh tomorrow.
She is still weak and short of breath for most simple tasks
Thanks to all for your support


Stayed with Jan last night ,and left around 7:30 this mourning.I believe her first comment was can I go home now.She sort of lost time over the last 12 or so hours.
There was more noise in her cubicle than the midway at the CNE.I have not seen so many bells and lights and buzzers before,and hope we don,t do that number again.
They have got her blood presure more stable than yesterday,which was on a roller coaster ride.
A infection of some kind developed in her,along with a fever .They put a lot of antbiotics in her system to combat ,infection and fever.
She phone me this mourning wanting her phone book.I said fat chance,no need to call family and freinds.They are in the loop.
Laura is coming in from Ottawa,and we will go down late afternoon.
Thanks for all the love

Thursday, August 23, 2007

bad day

Iam soory to tell everyone that we have had a possible major set back.Jan has been taken to Mount Sinai hospital next door to pmh.
She has to my understanding,fever low blood presure,and infections of some kind.
The icu team working on here where amazing.She is weak just now. Here doctor Minden has been with her constanly,with the other teams working on Jan.
I can only saythat I don,t think the two of us have ever been this scared.Iam staying down here tonight.All uor Love
To my family have a good time at the wedding for Jan and Me

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

august 21

Jan has been moved to rm 728 on floor 15.I have not met here new rm mate as of yet.
Today she is going to get another blood transfusion today.That should stop the head aches.And iam sure she should feel better.
I think she can even see out the window from her bed.
Phone ext 3127

Monday, August 20, 2007

Breaking News!!!

Looks like mom has been moved to a new room with a new roommate. This is good news as the old roommate had a constant (as in 24/7) influx of visitors which made it hard for mom to rest.

Will update with new room and phone number once we've got the info.

Stay tuned...


Weekend update

I made it home from Ottawa to visit for the weekend.

Bette and Glen (and Adam and Amy) were kind enough to have Mike, Doug, Katie and I over for dinner Saturday so we had a lovely visit with them . Wasn't quite the normal annual pool party, especially since none of us were brave enough to go in the water, but we had fun anyway!

After dinner we headed down to PMH to visit mom. We tried to use the "good" lounge that has a great view of the city, but some old guy was in there watching tv, so we were forced to use the normal lounge with no view :( Darn patients using their own lounges!

Mom looked good. I think she was feeling pretty good (maybe she'll comment and let us know) but she seems to be doing well. Apparently this week is when the chemo starts to make her more sick, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that it won't be too bad.

A few technical notes for those that enquired:
~ The blog only shows the 7 most recent posts. To view older posts, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on "older posts". Or use the Archive table at the right to navigate.

~ To leave a comment, click on "comment" for the post you'd like to comment on. A new screen pops up with the comments on the left and a box to write in on the right. Write your comment, then select your identity (I'd recommend choosing "other" then filling your name in the name box) then click on "publish your comment". If you have a google blogger account you can sign in and use your account, but you don't need to.

~ Mom's email address is janetaug07@hotmail .com She's checking email and I'm sure is happy to hear from people

~ Any time before 9:30 at night is okay to call. If she doesn't answer she's not there!

~ Mom can't have flowers and doesn't need any food (at least for now...they've got lots in the hospital...even icecream she can have whenever she wants!), but if you wanted to bring something or send something she's putting pictures up on her wall and would love a photo of you or of a good memory to add to the wall.

I think that's it!

~ Laura ~

PS Happy Birthday Mike!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

test run by mike

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday nights alright

Jan had a good day today.Her high school criminal type girl friend visited here today,alias 12s girl.
I enjoyed a walk with Jan down to the lounge,where we watch a little tv and enjoy a quiet time together.
We had some dinner together ,and before we new it was time for me to go.Let hope tomorrow can be as good.
Iam getting better at this typing stuff in my mind.

Love all Mike

correction Spot 1

technical difficulties are being sorted out ,with the help of sheck the teck



Jan and here Mom spent the afternoon together Aug 16.Vee was a great help.We went for a short walk to lounge 15b.Nice view ofcity and lake.Hope to catch air show from there.

Medicationis starting to make Jan naseous and tired

Jan has no need for any gifts of sorts at this time ,but would enjoy plenty of booty when she gets home.

If you plan to visit ,and we encouage it.Call her first and see how she is.

Love Mike

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Iam back.Did not make it Wensday night to see Jan.My loss.

Vee spent the afternoon with Jan ,as only a mother can.It was a good day for both.

Some of Jan medication is starting to make here naseous and tired.

Our big adventure was seeing 15b lounge,which over looks,some of the city and Lake Ontario.We will try and watch the air show from there.

Jan has no need for present or gifts at this time ,but will glady entertain any booty when she is home,as well as I.

If you plan to visit Jan and we hope you will.Call here before you visit.just in case its a bad day.

Trivia:guess what happens on day 14

This posting only took me 1 cup of tea to type,it,s cold tea now.

Goodnight all

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August 14 07

Jan,s adventures.
Day 2,so so breakfast.Lunch interrupted by a trip to the MRI machine,via under ground tunnels and secret corridor's to another hospital within the city of Toronto.A short 45 min picture photo shoot of or loved one hips.
This i believe because the treatment can cause a problem later on with hips.
Back for reheated lunch,hours later.
Enter Mike,hugs and kisses.Caution I may be coming down with something.On goes mask.
Doctor comes in to give Jan a spinal puncture.Removes fluid and replaces it with chemo fluid.
Rest half hour on back stay still.
1 hour later nurse administered chemo thru intervenes.Takes about 15 minutes.
Iam not that well time for me to leave,and get better.
I hope dinner is okay

Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday August 13th

I spoke with both Mike and Mom tonight.

Mom got checked into PMH this morning and started her first treatment. It went well and she's still feeling good. She had a couple of visitors today which she very much enjoyed. And she's on a large collection of medications. Mike's hoping that one of them is a "list making supressor" so she'll stop sending him home with so many lists! LOL

For those that would like to give her a call the number is 416-946-4545 x3120#

Mom's got a computer close to her room that she can use, so she's planning on getting a hotmail address set up tomorrow so she can correspond with everyone. Stay tuned for an update on that.

That's it for today!

~ Laura ~

A bit of background information

As most people reading this know Jan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (B-cell type) on Friday August 3, 2007.

Since it's hard to keep everyone informed all at once, I've set up this blog to help keep everyone in the loop. And to help document mom's fight with cancer.

Jan has been given a few day passes to come home and visit over the past week, which has been wonderful for everyone. She's doing very well and is in good health (other than the obvious problem!). She had a Hickman line put in on Friday (Aug 10th) and came through the surgery for that quite well. I got a chance to see it on Sunday and it's not pretty! LOL

Jan goes to Princess Maragaret Hosptial (PMH) this morning (Monday Aug 13th) to check in and start treatment.

Hopefully Mike will have an update for us tonight.

For those who would like to learn a bit more about ALL there's a great PDF document on the Leukemia and Lymphoma website. Click here

Thank you to everyone for their love, support and prayers. I know it means a lot to mom that she's got such a wonderful network of friends and family supporting her.

~ Laura ~