Jan and I had a turkey lunch today,at the 14th floor lounge.Her first words where .This food taste really good.What else could she say her Mom made it.
Jan med,s are making her somewhat nauseous now.Something more to cope with.
She is getting around a bite better.She is going for a ultra sound on her left leg tomorrow.Hopefully they can take the drip tube out soon
Again thanks for all your support
Love Jan and Mike
Hi Janet & Mike
It's good to see a photo of you Janet where you're up and getting around, even if you're not quite ready to do a marathon just yet. We hope the ultra sound works out well and they are able to take the drip tube out of your left leg. Thinking of you constantly and praying that each day sees a steady improvement in your health.
Love, Doreen & John
Hey Mike: if you need help with laundry just say so...no need to raid Jan's closet for clothes!
Hi Janet; So wonderful to see you upright! I've been following your progress via blog and of course Sue and Barb. You certainly have had a tough go of it Janet. I'm so sorry. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts constantly.
Loved Rob's comment! I think Mike looks great in a skirt.
Marilyn xoxo
Nice to see you smiling Janet! What a nice surprise to get pictures. Now if only we can figure out how to send you pictures...
Janet, great to see you up and about ( not very impressed with your "girlfriend" though ).Good to hear that things are progressing. I know Sue spoke to you on Saturday or Sunday, and she said you were not feeling too special,but keep the faith..........and remember, with these types of treatment, it is often "1 step forward,2 steps back", but in the end, you will be running again!
Love you and Mike(he will do anything for a picture won't he?).
Take good Care.
Andy & Sue
Hi again. I just want to pass along a message for you from MaryAnne Kenny who we support. Almost everyday when I speak with her she asks how "that nice lady" is doing and says that she is always saying a prayer for you and that's why you are getting better! I promised her that I would pass that on to you.
Dear Jan,Its wonderful to see you up and about,just hope and pray the drip will be removed real soon,Ger has to have a knee replacement,just from praying for you....no true,but you are in our prayers more than you'll ever know.Love You. Ger & Annette.
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