Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nov 15

No scope test today.May not be necessary,for reason we are not sure of.
Jan,s legs and feet are swelling due to fluid intake,we hope.Lets hope things improve .Update you all Sunday .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet! So sorry you are going through so much again but I'm sure everything will be all fixed up before Christmas and then you can enjoy the holidays! It's starting to feel Christmasy around the office...planning Christmas Dance, lunch, Secret Santa Gift Exchange, etc. I'm enjoying it here a lot. This weekend I hope to cut some greenery from my yard so that Sue W. can make up the big pots out front here at the office. Take care of yourself and know that I'm thinking of you. I would love to visit you but over the past month or more I've been battling a nasty cough and cold and I don't think you want any part of that!!!
