Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday 24

Some good news today ,Jan had the tube removed from her right leg.If all goes well she may have the other one out bye the end of the week.That being the case she can concentrate on getting walking,This also means chemo can resume.Mike


Anonymous said...

It was really great to hear your voice tonight, Jan. Thanks for bringing us up to date. I will be spreading the word at the curling club this week. Lots of people ask about you, and I'll be happy to say that you sound great. Now, if we could just get the other one healthy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet & Mike! Nice to get good news first thing in the morning. Keep on getting better.....both of you!


Anonymous said...

Mike/Janet........glad to hear things are going in the right direction once again. We are still in Vancouver but will be home on Friday and will phone you both then.Keep the faith folks........everything is going to work out fine.Jan is too strong not to beat this thing, and there are obviously many many friends and family who will give her the support to make sure it happens.
Love to both. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

...cheers to that news mike !!...i hope to visit mcjanet tomorrow - will call first,

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the news gets better and better. Fingers stay crossed, but we know the spirit is strong, and that beats just about everything.
allabest, pat 'n al