Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov. 1/07 Update from Janet

HI Everyone:
Nothing much to report in the past week so I didn't. However, we did go to Princess Margaret Hopsital yesterday. I had my final lumbar pucture from the 2nd chemo session and started the 3rd chemo session. The third session is 30 weeks which consistes of various drugs in 10 three week sessions. Yesterday I had five different chemos - but I won't get that many every day, only on day one of each 21 day period. I'm on one IM chemo a week now (which I can get at Southlake) and some pills and also steroids (there go my hopes for participating in the next Olympics!!!!) Hopefully I'll only have to go down to PMH once every three weeks. Other than a headach, I'm feeling pretty good today, which is surprising after all that chemo I had yesteray, I should be glowing in the dark or something!
Thanks again for all you good wishes etc.


Anonymous said...

Jan, you always glow! I can't visit you yet - still coughing. The cat hates it and is attacking me every night. Needless to say, Larry is not. Talk to you soon.
Love, Barb

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet
Glad to hear progress is going well and that you will be able to receive treatment here at Southlake. I am sure that drive down to PMH was exhausting each time!

Thinking of you,
Jack & JoAnn

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet
Happy to see the latest update and equally happy for you that Southlake can handle some of the chemo. The emotional stress is enough without the drive to PMH each time. Our thought and prayers are with you.
Silvio and Marilyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan:
Harry and I are planning to come see you on Friday, November 16th. While I realize you probably won't know how you'll be feeling that day, just thought I'd throw that out there in case you know for sure you won't be home. I can give you a call as we get closer to the date.
Lyn and Harry