Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wed. Oct. 3

Hi There:

Just want to let you know that I've been moved to a new room. I had to give up my "Private Princess Suite" to someone in worse shape than I'm in. The ONLY disadvantage of getting better!! The nurses like to keep people they need to keep a closer eye on nearer the nursing station. However, my new room is pretty good - it's semi-private but I do have the window side of the room which is good. Now I can see the landing pad for the air ambulance on top of Sick Kid's. Before I could see the helicoper coming in for landing but another part of the building obscured the landing site. Haven't seen any yet today.
My new room is 720 and new extention is 3123.
Everything else is much the same.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, I'm sure with all the moving around you've done, you could write a book. Hmmm, what would it be called? I'm glad that they moved you because it means that you are on the way to getting better. Talk to you soon, Barb

Anonymous said...

So good to talk to you tonight and hear that you are in good spirit. As I said, always thinking of you and praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Just want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!! We are all thankful you are doing so much better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan:
Glad to hear THE REASON they've moved you! We'll be thinking of you when we sit down to our dinner on Sunday and we'll say an extra Thanks! for you.
Lyn and Harry