Saturday, October 13, 2007

Home Sweet Home

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

Oh wait that's the beginning of the book I'm reading! On the good times side Mom is home from the hospital. On the bad times side...Mom is home from the hospital and now we have to take care of her! LOL

On Thursday afternoon there was talk that mom might come home this weekend, and on Friday they kicked her out (I heard that her roommate complained about her...but that's just a rumour *wink*). Not much for advanced notice. Just enough time to tidy the surface clutter!!

She arrived home a little after 7 Friday night and had a lovely dinner of leftovers. We're slowly getting everything sorted out around here, but since there wasn't much time to prepare it's a slow process.

She still has the drain in her one leg, and she's headed back to PMH Tuesday for some sort of appointment (I think for one of the chemo drugs and to hopefully get the drain out), but as long as she stays healthy she's home for good.

Mom generally rests in the afternoons between 1 and 4, so please no phone calls at that time, but otherwise she'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for all the love and support. It means a great deal to all of us!



Anonymous said...

How exciting to have Jan at home!!!
That is fantastic news. You've made our weekend. Talk to you soon, Love, Barb and Larry

Anonymous said...

Wow -- this is wonderful news! It must be so nice to be in your own surroundings and sleep in your own bed. This can only mean good things ahead for you Janet. You are such a strong woman.
Take good care.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Janet, if you need anything during the day, please call me. I'm home all the time and am available for any needs you may have. If you can't get me at home, call my cell at 905-717-8922 ( Andy ).
Sue and Barb are planning on coming over one evening to tidy up your garden, but they will call first.
Mike, if we can be of any help, you know the number! Don't hesitate to call.
Great to have you home Jan. see you soon.
Andy & Sue.

Anonymous said...

That is fabulous news for a Monday morning! They aren't making you eat leftover turkey that's been sitting around for a week are they? Welcome Home Janet!


Anonymous said...


This is great you are home and I know soon you'll be ready to go dancing or kick some butt. I know in my heart you are the one that can beat this thing. I think of you often, hopefully we'll talk soon.

Jody M.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan & Mike
Great news Jan no place like home if I can do anything for you let me know I am off days during the week, my # 898-2594 Get lots of rest.
Love Peggy

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Please call if I can be of any assistance. I can usually arrange my schedule so that if you need any shopping, or assistance travelling to appointments (even at PMH), I'd be more than happy for your company. Continue to get strong Jan and we'll all continue to send healthy positive energy your way.

Janis & Greg

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike:
We hope that you're not kicking up your heels too high in the kilt, doing a "welcome home" dance for Jan.
Terrific news, Jan!
You must be thrilled to be home, and your loved ones to have you home!
Hopefully you will get stronger with Mike's good cooking, lol.
Get lots of rest.
Audrey and Ron

Anonymous said...

...there's good news and then there's GOOD NEWS, hooray, hooray from all the gang at clnad !!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and Jan,

Mike's cousin Peter here. Glad to hear that Jan is home now and just to let you know that Judy and my hopes and prayers have been submitted to the Big Guy upstairs.

Take care...Peter and Judy Robertson