Sunday, September 2, 2007

sept 2 6pm

Welcome to a new mounth.Good luck to all you school people,teachers and students.
We hope evryone is having a good long weekend .Don,t forget to have a special chemo drink for Jan and me.
Jan seems to have a good day followed by a bad one .Iam not sure if it is when I show up, she has the good one or bad one.
The persistance of bowel problems has not been rectified.They are still supposed to send in a segical unit to asses Jan .Being a long weekend ,good luck.
We wait and hope for the best.
Keep the faith everyone that,s what keeps us going.
Jan did manage to go to the end of the hall, and we watched some of the air show.We had our own private viewing lounge.
Thanks to all for helping me out this weekend.It seem,s to be preordianed
Love Mike


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan and Mike:
We check for your messages every day. Hard to believe it was just a month ago today that we said our goodbyes at the cottage after kayaking around the lake and playing boche ball(remember that miraculous shot!)
Hang in there both of you, we're sending you the most powerful get well vibes we can muster! Lyn&Harry

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan and Mike
Just got home from installing our girls in their various towns for a new school year. We're broke already. I sure hope they make it big and take care of us in our old age! Glad to hear you caught a bit of the air show ... I know you were looking forward to it. Ron and I would love to come for a brief visit. Would Monday or Tuesday be good for you? 905-830-6843. Love Ron and Kerry

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet & Mike,

I hope that today is a good day for both of you. We were out on our boat this weekend and I was thinking of you and how you would much rather be at your cottage. Hurry up and get better! The kids go back to school tomorrow so that will leave me with more time that I can help out at work. Everyone has been so great with pitching in at the office. It was nice to have Doreen in for a week too. We miss you a lot!

Patty M.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the news from Dad, and received the blog from Dale. I want to let you know that I'm sending all my love and prayers for you. I see there are a lot of people all over pulling for you, and we are on that list too! I hope each moment is one step closer to getting well. Hugs from your far away cousin,
Cathy Everingham (and daughter Caleigh) XOXO

Janet said...

Hi Janet:
Just wanted to let you know that we think of you often.
Sending you many positive thoughts and prayers.
Janet and Carter Rogers & Jim Dempsey