Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Night - From PMH

Well Hello Everyone:
How wonderful to be mobile enough to get to the computer at the end of the hall. I managed to escape my room unassisted and undetected - used the walker to get to my personal wheelchair outside my door and zoomed down the hall from there. I was actually able to walk to the lounge and back with the walker today so very pleased at how much stronger my legs are getting and how much steadier I am on my feet now. I'm only getting antibiotics in the afternoon now, so they have disconnected me from my pole buddy most of the day so that makes it a lot easier to get around.
I did start chemo again last night. Two IV medications- just yesterday though, then I have to take pills each night for 14 days, and get 4 meds by lumbar puncture over the next 14 days and if all goes well (which I expect it will as I've had more than my share of setbacks) I should be out of here by then.
I just want to thank you all for your good wishes and cards and calls - it sure means a lot to me to know that there are so many people thinking of me, and I've often thought of you all surrounding me and protecting me when I've been through some unpleasant procedures.
A special thanks also, to those of you who are blood doners (especially the newest one, Doug). I've had at least a dozen blood transfusions while I've been here and every time they hung up a bag of blood I have blessed the person (in my case, at least a dozen of them) who took the time to give blood and save my life. So much time and money goes into treating cancer, but without that blood none of us would survive. To all of you who have asked if there is anything you can do for me - yes, there is - give blood.
I'm looking forward to being able to update this blog on a more regular basis - Mike, you've done a great job of keeping it up-to-date, which I know was a challenge at the end of a busy day, and thanks Laura for setting it up and for your updates. Mine probably won't be as interesting as Mike's though!!


Anonymous said...

Really great to see your progress. Hope it continues, and that you are out of there soon. And you will be, if you keep up your focused and positive approach.
I sent a test email to your hotmail address. Let me know if you received it. Talk to you soon. Love Ron and Kerry

Anonymous said...

Jan, It's so good to hear that you are mobile again. You'll be home soon. Hi to Mike - we hope you are feeling better.
Barb and Larry

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet

Glad to hear things are heading in the right direction. It was great to talk to you the other day. Sorry about the two year old chaos in the background:)
Will you be up to visitors while you are getting your chemo treatments?
Take care and keep strong