Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jan. 1, 2009

Happy New Year to all you blog checkers (due to my lack of blogging, that will probably just be Patty!!)
Hope you all had a happy and safe holiday season.
It was great to hear from so many of you and see some of you over the past few weeks.
We had a good Christmas - saw quite a few of Mike's family at the annual Vivian Forest walk and tailgate party on Dec. 21. Our children and spouses/partners were here Christmas morning and my family got together on the 27th to celebrate. Fortunately I was feeling well for all the feastivities so was glad of that. Crashed on the 28th and am just starting to get back a bit of energy but that was expected. Mike and I are heading up to Casino Rama on the 10th & 11th to watch some of the skin's games (curling) so really looking forward to that (not as much as we would be looking forward to a week or two in the sunny south....but that will be next year).
Hape a happy and healthy 2009.


Anonymous said...

Here I am, just as you predicted! Glad to hear you had such a great holiday. I hate to admit I'm glad all the craziness is over. I left everything to the last minute this year like a big dummy. Next year I will take a couple of days off to give myself more time to prepare. Casino Rama sounds like fun. I was there in October to see Burton Cummings and Randy Bachman. Steve and I are taking a day off next week to go to the Boat Show downtown to do some dreaming of boats that we can never ever afford!

Anonymous said...

Hey, more of us watch than just Patty! It's such a nice treat to see a post from you. Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas. Ours was quiet all though a week or so before Christmas, we went down to Wisconsin to visit Deb and the kids. (not really kids anymore, only Olivia is still at home)Mom and Brenda went too. Hope all is well or at the least, stable.

Much love,
Dale, Kim, and John Everingham

Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Jan -

Thanks for the update. Sorry for the slow reply. It's amazing how quickly a month goes by. I know the perfect stop-over when making a trip down South... Virginia. :)

I talked to Heather the weekend the skins games were on. She was watching from Halifax. Unfortunately, the US is still a little behind the times when it comes to curling... they haven't quite realized how amazing it is!

Take care & thanks for the note.
Love Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan:

More than Patty checks it. I am just a little slow to check. Also a little slow with how to do the comments. Hope you are well. Hi Mike too. Talk to you soon.
