Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nov 29

Some good news and some bad news.Jan is feeling better and stronger today,but they told her she has the cdef .I believe it is a intestinal infection.They are giving Jan the appropriate drugs I hope.Maybe she had that from the get go.Lets hope they know better.Talk to everyone Sunday.
Thanks for all your support.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Nov 28

As we are hoping for Jan to get better,and things where better on Sunday and Monday,it seems the Cancer gods are not ready to give her up just yet.For some reason her fever reappeared,and her strenght has diminished.There is some good news ,in the fact that her leg swelling has subsided to their normal size.There is how ever not much muscle mass.Jan is not a candidate for the WWF ,She looks a little like Twiggy.
Jan is still optimistic that she will beat this thing,and is really looking forward to getting home,more than anything else.Jan seem to have more spunk tonight which is a good sign.
All our love Mike and Jan

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Grey cup

I hate computers.Jan,s getting better.She is able to walk ,with the aid of a walker.I think his name is Juan.
Jan is getting some meds to relieve the swelling in her legs.Some time this weak she should be on solid foods,we hope.Things are better and Jans mental state is better as of late.Thanks to all your support

Thursday, November 22, 2007

nov 22

Things did not go as planned today.Jan was to get an MRI.She was ready to go and then for reasons no one knows it was cancelled.She is scheduled for 11 am tomorrow.
They are giving her some new meds for food supplement's ,and with luck it will reduce the swelling in her legs.
Alice,Jan will get better so no need to fret.I believe she will be home in 2 weeks or less.I will try and call you Sunday
Jan is in South lake 9058954521 ext4186.It should be on the blog

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

nov 21

Some days are better than others, as we all know.So lets say Jan day was not better than most
Between stomach pains and scopes,we need not say any more.
The Lady is made of metal superman can not bend.
God love her as I do
Thanks everyone.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nov 20

.Jan had a tough weekend,not a lot of energy ,stomach pain and leg swelling issues.
Monday seems to be the turning point for her.She is getting a pain medication that seems to agree with her system.Which in turn makes it easier for Jan to get out of bed for all the necessary things to do.
Today Jan was busy,as she had a echo cardie gram and a muga scan.These are all for heart strenght and flow I believe.
The nutritionist was in today to determine what she needs as supplement's to reduce the swelling in her legs.Before I left tonight they brought in the magic potion,we hope.To me it looked like an old milk jug ,running threw the pump to Jan,s Hickman.But what do i know
Thanks Mike

Sunday, November 18, 2007

sunday night

Jan has made slight improvements over the weekend .Jan is started to eat solid foods,but it is a tiresome event.
They have not been able to reduce the swelling in her legs as of yet,which limits here mobility.She is eager to get better and is looking forward to getting home.
Thanks for all the support.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nov 15

No scope test today.May not be necessary,for reason we are not sure of.
Jan,s legs and feet are swelling due to fluid intake,we hope.Lets hope things improve .Update you all Sunday .

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

moving day

Jan was moved today,to the 6th floor rm 517.Her phone extension is 4186.905 895 4521.
This floor is the cancer floor.Things in general are done different,which seems to please Jan.
Be prepared to gown up and mask if you visit.
Tommorrw they are going to do a scope, somehow on her left intestine to determine the cause of her inflamation.
Our girl still has a great attitude,which in part has a lot too due with all your support.
Thanks .Mike

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday Monday

Jan is feeling somewhat better today.Tomorrow she is getting a cat scan of her abdominal,stomach area.Hopefully this will determine the area of infection.
If you visit check with the nursing station ,you may have to gown and glove up to visit.
Talk to you soon.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday night

Jan is feeling some what better. Her fever is down again and her blood pressure is stable
There is still a problem with the stomach as it is still blotted.Saturday they gave her an x ray,but nothing definitive as of yet.
They are giving her a different diet for the stomach issues.It seem to have helped.
To reach Jan if needed,call 905 895 4521 ext 4311.she is in room 3-301.
Jan still needs rest,and our encouragement.
Thanks to all the well wishers
Love Mike

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nov 9

Jan was admitted to South Lake today .She will be on the third floor,rm 301 I believe.
Jan blood pressure is low and she still has a fever ,along with a few other issues.
Along with the fever ,that means she has a internal infection of some sorts.The cultures will take some time to process.Then they will treat it with the proper antibiotic.
No official word yet,but 3 or 4 days is not uncommon for this scenario.
Let Jan rest up for 3 days before any visitors please
Thanks Mike

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jan,s update

Well It,s been a while since you all have heard from the Mikester.
Hold on, Jan is back in South Lake tonight.Home care detected high temp,low blood pressure and possible dehydration.So off to South Lake.Jan is in emerge for the night.No beds available they say. And possible one or two days,to make sure there is no infections.
Our thanks to everyone for the Delicious food we have received.Keep up the good work.
Love Jan and Mike

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov. 1/07 Update from Janet

HI Everyone:
Nothing much to report in the past week so I didn't. However, we did go to Princess Margaret Hopsital yesterday. I had my final lumbar pucture from the 2nd chemo session and started the 3rd chemo session. The third session is 30 weeks which consistes of various drugs in 10 three week sessions. Yesterday I had five different chemos - but I won't get that many every day, only on day one of each 21 day period. I'm on one IM chemo a week now (which I can get at Southlake) and some pills and also steroids (there go my hopes for participating in the next Olympics!!!!) Hopefully I'll only have to go down to PMH once every three weeks. Other than a headach, I'm feeling pretty good today, which is surprising after all that chemo I had yesteray, I should be glowing in the dark or something!
Thanks again for all you good wishes etc.