Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday -Sept.30

Hi Everyone:
This will be short as I just checked my e-mail for the first time and there are a lot - so to those of you who e-mailed me.....I'll get back to you as soon as I can and the reason I haven't replied before this is that I couldn't get to the computer. Wasn't feeling too great today (effects of the drugs, which is to be expected). I'll just appreciate the good days more!!!
Love Janet

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Night - From PMH

Well Hello Everyone:
How wonderful to be mobile enough to get to the computer at the end of the hall. I managed to escape my room unassisted and undetected - used the walker to get to my personal wheelchair outside my door and zoomed down the hall from there. I was actually able to walk to the lounge and back with the walker today so very pleased at how much stronger my legs are getting and how much steadier I am on my feet now. I'm only getting antibiotics in the afternoon now, so they have disconnected me from my pole buddy most of the day so that makes it a lot easier to get around.
I did start chemo again last night. Two IV medications- just yesterday though, then I have to take pills each night for 14 days, and get 4 meds by lumbar puncture over the next 14 days and if all goes well (which I expect it will as I've had more than my share of setbacks) I should be out of here by then.
I just want to thank you all for your good wishes and cards and calls - it sure means a lot to me to know that there are so many people thinking of me, and I've often thought of you all surrounding me and protecting me when I've been through some unpleasant procedures.
A special thanks also, to those of you who are blood doners (especially the newest one, Doug). I've had at least a dozen blood transfusions while I've been here and every time they hung up a bag of blood I have blessed the person (in my case, at least a dozen of them) who took the time to give blood and save my life. So much time and money goes into treating cancer, but without that blood none of us would survive. To all of you who have asked if there is anything you can do for me - yes, there is - give blood.
I'm looking forward to being able to update this blog on a more regular basis - Mike, you've done a great job of keeping it up-to-date, which I know was a challenge at the end of a busy day, and thanks Laura for setting it up and for your updates. Mine probably won't be as interesting as Mike's though!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday nights all right

Some good news today, Jan got dolled up ,and went to the wig store with her friend Betty. They did not tell them that it was closed.No sale today.
Jan was telling me that they are going to start her chemo tonight.They must be satisfied with her left leg draining.She feels her legs are getting stronger.
Soon she will be able to get to the computer and do her own blog.That lets me of the hook for bad spelling.Lots happening with her treatment in the future .We hope it goes smooth
Keep the faith gang
Mike and Jan

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

September 29

Hello everyone
Today Jan finished her last radiation treatment.And as a going away present, she got to keep her radiation mask.I hope it glows in the dark.We can use it for a night light.Physiotherapist took her down to the gym,and got her on the parallel bars where is did a triple sow cow.Sorry that figure skating .That the week after.
Her left leg still has some infection in it,and they will made some sort of decision Thursday or Friday as whether to start chemo, or try and drain it out some how.Oh and before dinner she got a pint of blood.And we thought we had a though day.
Love Jan and Mike Jan if you feel like it

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday 24

Some good news today ,Jan had the tube removed from her right leg.If all goes well she may have the other one out bye the end of the week.That being the case she can concentrate on getting walking,This also means chemo can resume.Mike

Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 22

Last day of summer,so we had to do something special for our girl.
I was able to go see Jan yesterday and today ,only for a short while ,do too a persistent cough
Jan got into a wheel chair, much on her own steam, and we proceeded to the 16th floor.Which is the Tanenbaum Gardens.
I pushed the wheel chair.She not that strong yet..We spent 15 minutes or so up there.It was a great place for Jan and myself to spend time together.
Here's hoping Jan and myself get better soon
Love Mike

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20

Have not been able to see Jan, as this blasted cold will not leave me.Will phone doctor tomorrow, and see if I can get another remedy
Jan said she felt good today ,and that her left leg had more movement and mobility and strength.Her right leg is weaker than she would like it to be ,as she can not put her entire dainty weight on it,as of yet
Jan is half way through her radiation,with 4 more sessions.I can,t tell you what she say,s when she goes into the machine.But I think it is a cursing statement of sorts.
I would not be surprised if my name was not mentioned in vein.
Good news, Neil,Jan,s brother is back in town on Sunday and I am sure he will wan,t to see Jan.
He better
All our best
Mike and Jan
Hope my grammar and spelling are better

Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday 17

Hello everyone,Mikey here.Still have that dame cough ,so Iam unable to go and see Jan .It better break soon,or she may not remember what I look like.That might be a good thing.
They lanced her right leg today and drianed of the infection.They also installed a
drip line.If that was not enough just around her dinner time,they took her for the first of eight radation treatments.They did reheat her dinner for her. Sounded like she was in good spirts after all the ordeals.

Keep all the good thought coming our way
Love Mike

Friday, September 14, 2007


Well it's the weekend again...for those of us on the outside that means no work, sleeping in on Saturday and enjoying the lovely fall weather.

For's just another day staring at the same wallpaper...'cause every day is like the weekend for her! LOL Well...maybe that's not quite the case. :)

As for the update....Jan had a little minor (and much wanted) surgery today to drain an abcess in her leg (ewww...on the plus side there aren't any pictures). Hopefully this, along with the drainage tube they put in will keep the pressure down and provide her some relief. Maybe even make it easier for her to walk around a bit.

And the latest rumour is that she gets to start her chemo treatments again tomorrow. We're keeping our fingers crossed that she does. Cause the sooner the treatments start, the sooner they end and the sooner she gets to come home!

Since she had the surgery today she's a bit tired and is trying to no calls please. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be back to normal.

As a reminder, if you want to visit, just call first to make sure she's not already booked (she's got a pretty busy social life for someone who spends all day in bed!).

That's about it for tonight. Take advantage of the nice weather and enjoy your weekend!

~ Laura ~

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept 11

Just a reminder that Jan phone ext. is 3131.I believe the rm is 729across from the pantry,south side,over looking CN tower and the Toronto water front.
I am unable to go see Jan at the present time as I have some sort of cold or flew.Waiting for my Doctors culter results.Can only give her moral phone support.
Jan had a ultrasound on both her legs.They are sure that there is no blood clots,an suspect an infection of some kind.They might try and drain it of somehow.Ammputation is not a option.She is vertically challenged already.Only kidding.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sept 9

Jan has been eating solid food now for a couple days.So is feeling better about that.She says the foood is very good,and there are lots of choices.Not like at home.Her legs are still very sore,but she is able to hobble short distances.I might be able to catch her in the bed room when she gets home.She always out ran me before.
Hopefully chemo treatments will resume next week sometime,and radiation the week after that.O boy oh boy what fun.
Not sure when she,ll be home butthe sooner the better.Love Mike

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday night

Sorry for no updates.I am a little under the weather.Hope to see Jan tomorrow and will up date everyone
Jan has moved rooms.
She is in rm 739.This is on the 15th floor for those that are vertically challenged.Phone 3131
Talk to you soon

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept 5 9pm

Lots of things where happening today,visitors etc.Wednesday is my day off ,so the blog,is not totally up to date ,unless Jan and friends have wheeled all the apparatus to the computer terminal.
total updates tomorrow if all goes well.
Thanks to my mine and Jan,s many loving friends for last night dinner and tonight's evening.
All my thanks ,lets hope tomorrow gives us the same hope.

P.S. I should be there Monday night to meet Glen Tucker who is going to help us out with our PA system.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

sept 4 4:30pm

Hi Everyone - it's me, Janet, in person finally.
Things are looking better today. I'm finally back on food (well, just liquids for a few days). My first meal was jello - and who would believe jello could taste so good!!!! Once my digestive system is fully functional I'll be able to resume my chemo treatments. Thank to everyone for their good wishes and support - it really means a lot to me.
Now - for a very slow walk back to my room and a rest after this exertion!!!
Love Janet
P.S. Call if you like.

Monday, September 3, 2007

sept 3

Ah the long weekend is over ,the dancing , bocce ball games hitting golf balls into the lake ,fishing,snorkeling ,golf plenty of eat,s and for the lucky ones ---.that wasn,t exactly our weekend ,but with the help of family and friends,you pulled Jan thru.
Don,t worry we will be back with a vengeance
No real change in Jan,s status.Maybe the doctors will be in on Tuesday,to get things going


Sunday, September 2, 2007

sept 2 6pm

Welcome to a new mounth.Good luck to all you school people,teachers and students.
We hope evryone is having a good long weekend .Don,t forget to have a special chemo drink for Jan and me.
Jan seems to have a good day followed by a bad one .Iam not sure if it is when I show up, she has the good one or bad one.
The persistance of bowel problems has not been rectified.They are still supposed to send in a segical unit to asses Jan .Being a long weekend ,good luck.
We wait and hope for the best.
Keep the faith everyone that,s what keeps us going.
Jan did manage to go to the end of the hall, and we watched some of the air show.We had our own private viewing lounge.
Thanks to all for helping me out this weekend.It seem,s to be preordianed
Love Mike