Monday, October 20, 2008

Oct. 20, 2008

Hi Everyone (who hasn't given up on checking my blog even though I don't update it very often)

All is well. We (18 of us) had a lovely Thankgiving at the cottage - can't believe how perfect the weather was. I came home very tired, but rested up when I could last week. I went to Toronto this past weekend with a few friends - stayed overnight. We managed to get to St. Lawrence Market, Distillery District and then I rested in our hotel room while my friends walked down Yonge St. We met up for dinner and then went to Yuk Yuk's. It was a great show. Too bad it wasn't that good when we went to Barrie (for those of you who went to the staff outing there). The comedians on Sat. night found lots of material that was funny that wasn't vulgar.

I just started going to a yoga class on Mondays at the Doane House Hospice. Fortunately it works on a come-when-you-can basis as I still have one week every three weeks when I am not able to do anything much, but as long as I know that, I can work around it. Only another 58 weeks of treatment to go!!!

Mike's son Brandon and his girlfriend just got engaged and are getting married in Febraury so that's pretty exciting, something to look forward to, and a good reason to buy new clothes.

HOpe all is well with all of you. Give me a call any time.



Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Jan -

A little late on the comment. Sorry I missed everyone at the cottage. It would have been great to be there! Congrats to Brandon - very exciting! Thanks for the update. Take care.


Anonymous said...

Hi Janet. You are sounding great. Yoga must be fun, I've always wondered if I would enjoy trying it. Thanksgiving weekend was fabulous, we got out on Lake Simcoe for one last afternoon of boating and it was just perfect. Come by for a visit soon!!!

Patty M.