Friday, July 18, 2008

July 17, 2008

Wow - hard to belive that July is already half over. Seems like we're having one of those summers when it rains every weekend. That's not a real issue for me as I'm home all the time, but I do feel sorry for you folks who are working all week and looking forward to nice weathr on the weekends.

I've had a few people asking why I haven't 'blogged' more often. BAsically there isn't much new. I am feeling much stronger now. That's probably partly because I'm out doing more. I'm able to do some gardening, as well as the grocery shopping and cooking and most cleaning - it just takes me longer as I have to rest in between jobs.

I finished my 30 week intensifiction session about 3 weeks and am now on a maintenance program. It really isn't too much different than what I was taking, but one of my chemo drugs has been dropped. I no longer get the one I had to go to the hospital for each Wednesday, so that frees up half a day for me each week. I am still on a 3 week cycle. I go to Princess Margaret Hospital on Wed. week one where I get a one chemo drug IV an another intra-muscular. I still take a chemo drug at home every day for 14 days as well as antibiotics, calcium and a pill for my bones. Home care comes in every WEdnesday and give me another chemo drug intra-muscularly as well. I also get a lumbar puncture every 18 weeks, where they take out some spinal fluid to check for cancer cells there, and then inject a cancer drug into the spine. This maintenance program will last 72 weeks, so I should be finished in about November 2009. I still feel pretty bad - really exhaused, sore muscles, upset stomach, and painful joints - for about a week after I've had the IV chemo at Princess Margaret, but then I feel pretty good the next couple weeks after that, so one bad week and two good ones are better than the other way around. At least I know what to expect.

My son Doug is getting married on August 16th and I'm able to postpone my next chemo at Princess Margaret until after the wedding so it's good to know I'll feel well for that.

So, that's the progress report for me.

Mike is doing well - managing to get out golfing pretty much once a week. We're planning on taking a little road trip up around the Bruce Penninsula at the end of the month for 2 or 3 days as we really don't have any vacation planned for the summer.

Hope all of you are doing well - those of you who haven't given up on me and still check the blog occasionally. Love to hear from you. Enjoy the rest of the summer.